The arrival of railways: Witness the dawn of a new era as railways connect Peterborough to the world, sparking a wave of economic and cultural change.
Economic impact: Explore the jobs, industries, and opportunities that flourished in the wake of railway expansion, transforming Peterborough into a thriving city.
Legacy of the railways: Discover how the railway's presence continues to influence Peterborough's landscape and identity, leaving an indelible mark on our city.
Peterborough Station today: Peek into our transportation network, Peterborough Station, and marvel at its evolution over time.
Nene Valley and Railworld Wildlife Haven: Embark on a nostalgic journey with Nene Valley Railway and Railworld Wildlife Haven, celebrating their role in preserving railway heritage for future generations.
Entertainment: Delve in the childhood favourite, Thomas the Tank Engine, and explore the films and TV shows that have been filmed at Nene Valley.
Physical exhibits: Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of railway artifacts, from vintage uniforms and signage to captivating photographs capturing Peterborough's railway evolution.