Archaeology (KS2)

KS2 School Session

Sessions from £250 per group

Archaeology asks the big questions and life and society in the past. It uses objects to discover life in the past and can often challenge pre existing historical evidence.

Booking enquiries

Call: 01733 864 731


Anglo Saxon Excavation

Excavatea trench to reveal an Anglo‐Saxon woman and the objects she was buried with.

Story of Peterborough

Handle objects and artefacts from different historical periods related to the city of Peterborough.

Roman pottery investigation

Handle real roman pottery found in Durobrivae‐‘Roman Peterborough’. Identify your pottery with the clues you find in the gallery.

Limited edition: Introducing Must Farm, a Bronze Age Settlement

Discover the Bronze Age settlement at Must Farm. Excavated in 2015‐16, it has provided an incredible insight into life in the Bronze Age. Handle some replica objects similar to what people who lived there would have used, and have a look around the exhibition.

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